Friday, July 24, 2009


Within your mind is resident the ability to achieve whatever you want or desire in life. As a man think in his heart so is he.

Henry Ford said "whether you think you can or you think you can`t either way you are right."

Therefore you are the product of your own thoughts and not others thoughts. The rich think they have money, prosperity and they have them but the poor think they don`t have money. They think they in need, lack, scarcity, insuffiency, what do they have? Poverty. Thus the saying becomes true that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Now when you think good you also must feel good even when the things around you don`t look like it. This is what is called faith in Christianity. You have to visualize, appreciate and thank God for that which you want even if you when you don`t have it yet. In this way, you will bring yourself in perfect alignment with what you want and in matter of time what you want will manifest. So if you are sick and you want healing, then you begin to think about your body being healed. You begin to think about yourself walking  about in good health and doing those things you would do if you were not sick. And not only this, you begin to feel the strenght even though it is not yet there. And after a while what you want will manifest.

Always remember, "what you think, feel and what manifest are always a perfect match all the time no exception". It will work, it always does.

When you don`t want something then you don`t think about it or if the thing is got an opposite the focus and think about the opposite. As said earlier whatever you think you attract whether it is positive or negative. In the world today there are so many wars. War against poverty, malaria, HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, child abuse, terrorism, human trafficing and so on. If you notice the more you they raise the wars the more these vices increase. This is because these people fighting these wars dedicate all their thoughts, energy, resources towards fighting these things and therefore these things come running back to them.

This country and indeed this world can become a better place just by a shift in our thinking and our feeling. If you see something that is good, applaud it, appreciate it, be grateful for, think about it, then you will have more and even better of it. When you see something that you don`t like don`t shout against, don`t think about it, don`t even talk about it, it will by itself vanish away.

So let us begin to THINK that :

Nigeria is a better place.

There is more than enough in Nigeria.

Nigeria has good leaders.

The world is a beautiful place to live in.

I have a bright future.

And as you do this, things will begin to fall in places for you and you will a happy person.

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